Tag: Artificial Intelligence

  • Rethinking Student Assessment in the Age of AI: Fostering Critical Thinking and Creativity

    Rethinking Student Assessment in the Age of AI: Fostering Critical Thinking and Creativity

    In an era where access to information is at our fingertips, traditional methods of assessing students’ knowledge may fall short in capturing the depth of their understanding. With the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), students can easily access vast amounts of content, challenging educators to evolve their assessment strategies. This article explores alternative assessment methods…

  • The growth and influence of AI in 2023

    The growth and influence of AI in 2023

    Artificial Intelligence is pushing boundaries in the world today. Individuals and organizations today are infusing Artificial Intelligence tools into their work operations to increase efficiency and productivity. Most popular AI uses in 2023 A significant majority of consumers express concern about businesses using AI. As AI plays a larger role in various industries, addressing consumer…